

RC-WinTrans can be used in conjunction with the SDL TRADOS™ Translator's Workbench.  An integrated GUI (graphical user interface) makes it possible for it RC-WinTrans to interact with the

Translator's Workbench.  You can access a Trados translation memory from within RC-WinTrans to find, get, and save translations.


When the Trados Translator's Workbench is installed on the current machine, RC-WinTrans adds a translation memory (TM) menu (Figure 1) to its menu bar and an additional TM toolbar (Figure 2) with commands relative to the Workbench and the TM.



Figure 1:  The Trados toolbar.



Figure 2:  The Trados menu.



Function Integration Summary

The integrated translation memory access supports several translation tasks within RC-WinTrans. These tasks are basic functions such as searching for translations, saving translations, and executing a concordance search, as well as extended operations such as the import from Trados and uniform translation check functions.  Furthermore, the TM is integrated into RC-WinTrans just like RC-WinTrans dictionaries.


The following functionality is available in RC-WinTrans X8 for Trados TMs:


Find and get translation(s):  Find and get a translation for a source text(s) needing to be translated.


Save translation(s):  Save a translation(s) to a Trados TM.


Concordance search:  Perform a concordance search in the active TM.


Get all from Trados (auto-translate):  Gets translations from a Trados TM to translate all or a selection of the text resource items in a translation project.


Save all selected to Trados:  Saves a selection (Text Table view) of translated items in the current project to a Trados TM.


Auto-find and auto-save:  RC-WinTrans features automated functions for finding, getting, and saving translations with Trados translation memories.  The actual translation/modification of resources takes place in RC-WinTrans (Translation Edit bar).


NOTE:  RC-WinTrans does not have a command to create a new TM.  To create a new translation memory, activate the Translator's Workbench window (Start/Close Trados Translator's Workbench button/command) and select the "New" command from the "File" menu.


Additional information on the Trados integration can be found in the RC-WinTrans X8 Help.



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