RC-WinTrans 9: What's New


This topic provides information on the latest development news for each RC-WinTrans release.

RC-WinTrans 9
May 2010 — Build Version


Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0


Extended and improved to process .NET Framework 4.0 files (RESX, .RESOURCES and assembly (EXE, DLL) files).


Excel Import/Export Add-On  –  Command line functions


Command line functions to export data to and import data from an Excel spreadsheet have been added to the MS Excel Add-On's set of capabilities.
See the Excel Add-On online help ("Command Line" topic) for details.

Strong-name-signed .NET Assemblies


Satellite DLLs are automatically signed with a given .snk file (key pair file).

Release Notes


The release notes have been updated.

See the RC-WinTrans Release Notes for details.



RC-WinTrans 9
February 2010 — Release (Build Version 9.0.0.x)


Windows 7


RC-WinTrans setup and use has been enabled for the Windows 7 operating system.


Text Table View: Multiple Language Columns


RC-WinTrans' Text Table view can now display the contents of more than two languages at a time, facilitating reviews across multiple target languages.  A column is added to the view for each language set to be visible; clicking in the column activates that language as the current target language.


Integrated News Service


An integrated online news service keeps you informed of new features, known issues and available updates by displaying an alert in RC-WinTrans if changes to the news site are detected at startup.


Translation Support for XLIFF Files


The support for XLIFF files has been updated and extended.  Online Help:  "Translating XLIFF Files."


COM API – Set Markers for Layout Changes


An extension of the RC-WinTrans COM interface furnishes a command to set temporary (blue dot) markers in the Projects Overview and Project Data views for items that have undergone layout changes (dialog boxes, dialog box controls).


Support and Updates


Free general support and free product updates with bug fixes and new features for at least two years.



product changeover:  version 9 replaces rc-wintrans x8

As of February 2010 RC-WinTrans X8 will no longer be sold, though maintenance and support for the product line is ongoing.

Version 9 replaces X8 as the main focus of our development and support efforts.  The differences will be minimal at first, but new features, including some that have been suggested by our customers, will be implemented for and available exclusively in RC-WinTrans 9.  Updates to Version 9 are by no means mandatory but may be purchased by existing license holders who want the latest version, or downloaded for free for X8 licenses purchased in 2009 (or January 2010).



RC-WinTrans X8
October 2009 — Service Release (Build Version


WXL Files


Windows Installer XML (WXL) files are now supported.  File extension: .wxl; file format: XML


Borland Delphi DFM Files


A new file converter module supporting the translation of Borland Delphi DFM files has been added.


New API Functions (COM Interface)


The RC-WinTrans COM interface has two new API functions: "Application::ExFcts" and "TranslationProject." These are documented in the RC-WinTrans VBA Help ("RCWinTransVBA.chm").


ExportProject  (export translation project)


ImportFromProject  (import from translation project)


Class "ProjectFile"  ("WriteTargetFile_2"; "Update_2)"


Class "TranslationProject"  ("IsUpToDate"; "UpdateDatabase")




Several bugs and/or problems have been fixed since the last service release.  See the RC-WinTrans Release Notes for details.



May 2009 — Service Release (Build Version 8.8.2.x)


Support for 64-Bit (x64) Application Files


64-bit application files including Windows (EXE/DLL) and .NET Windows Forms (EXE/DLL) are now supported by RC-WinTrans.


MS Word Spell Check Integration


A new option lets you activate the spell check function from Microsoft Word for texts entered in RC-WinTrans.  The MS Word Spell Checker works as an alternative to the Internal Spell Checker that is built in to RC-WinTrans.


MS Word Access for Displaying and Entering Translation Text


RC-WinTrans has been extended to provide access to the Microsoft Word application for various other purposes besides the aforementioned spell check.  Translation texts can be displayed in Word when they are selected in RC-WinTrans, then modified there and saved to the translation project.  Other tools/functions available in Word may also prove useful, such as the ability to enter a line break, something which is not possible in the Translation Edit bar.


(Internal) Spell Checker Update


The Internal Spell Checker has been updated and improved to make it more efficient.  The function that indicates misspellings while you are typing now works properly, and certain common, software-specific characters, like the ampersand (&) indicating a hotkey when placed before a letter, are disregarded.


Sorting Function in the Text Table View


The ampersand character (&) is now ignored when texts are sorted according to the source or target text in the Text Table view.


Export to Text File Settings


The settings for exporting a text with or without quotation marks and for appending data to the end of the file are maintained for the next use of the "Export to Text File" function.



March 2009 — Service Release (Build Version 8.8.x)


Source Files Property Page


The Source Files property page in the Source and Target Files dialog box has been redesigned. Commands are now available to add and remove source files and/or to change a source file reference (name and path).  A history of the changes protocol files created by the update database process has also been added where each changes protocol file may be opened and viewed.


Target File Name


The name and path for a target file can now be specified for each target file individually.  Before the rule was applied to all the target files of a certain file type.

The Target File Names dialog box is opened from the Target Files property page (Source and Target Files dialog box).


Target Language Modification


The name and the language code of an existing target language can now be changed from the Languages property page in the Project Properties dialog box.


Dialog Box Editor


A Size & Position bar showing the size and position of a selected dialog box control item has been added to RC-WinTrans.  This toolbar is visible whenever the Dialog Box view is active and can be moved and docked for optimal placement.


Add-On: "Multi-Line Editor"


This add-on extends RC-WinTrans‘ functionality to display and edit source and translation texts with new line and tab control characters.

Details:  Multi-Line Editor Online Help...

The Multi-Line Editor Add-On can be downloaded from the Version X8 download area on our Website.


Add-On: "Extra Functions"


This add-on provides some useful functions based on requests and suggestions from RC-WinTrans users.

Details:  Extra Functions Online Help...

The add-on can be downloaded from the customer download area on our Website.


New Products


Two new add-on products for RC-WinTrans have been released:


MS Excel Import/Export


Google Machine Translation

For details please visit the "Products" page at www.schaudin.com.




Several bugs and/or problems have been fixed since the last service release.  See the RC-WinTrans Release Notes for details.



January 2009 — Service Release (Build Version 8.7.2.x)


Source File Reference


The reference to a source file (file name and path) in a translation project can be changed in the Properties tab view.

Online Help:  "Changing a Source File Reference"


Hotkey Suggestion


When suggesting a hotkey character RC-WinTrans gives priority to the same character used in the source text.


Automatic Translation


If an item that has been automatically translated has a source text match value of less than 100% RC-WinTrans saves the source text (from the data source) in the item's history.  This lets the user check (compare) source text differences in RC-WinTrans' Differences tab view (Miscellaneous bar).

The data origin (match value and name of the data source) is shown in the "Origin" column of the Text Table view (if this column is set to be visible).


Macro Project Version


The macro project version of each macros file loaded in RC-WinTrans' VBA environment can be viewed on the VBA Macros Files property page (Options dialog box).

Online Help:  "VBA Macros Files Property Page"


XML Files Converter


New Options dialog box for settings related to the converter for XML files.




Two new add-on products are available for RC-WinTrans:


MS Excel Import/Export


Google Machine Translation




Bugs and/or problems have been fixed since the last service release.  See the RC-WinTrans Release Notes for details.



July 2008 — Service Release (Build Version


WPF Support


Support for text-based localization of .NET 3.0 (WPF) assemblies.  (GUI editing is not supported.)




Several bugs or problems have been reported and eliminated since the last service release.  See the RC-WinTrans Release Notes for details.



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