This topic contains archived "What's New" descriptions for all RC-WinTrans X8 service releases for the year 2007. Release notes from 2006 and 2005 are located in separate archives. Please refer to the "What's New" topic for information on the latest releases of RC-WinTrans X8.
"Project bundles" are now obsolete as such and have been replaced with standard RC-WinTrans translation projects that use the new Microsoft Access database storage option, so only a single database file (file extension = .fsmdb) needs to be sent to and returned by a translator. Before, project bundles were zipped XML data files that had to be unpacked by a translator. The database file can be opened directly in RC-WinTrans; a translator no longer needs to unpack a project from the file that s/he receives.
A single-language Win32 EXE/DLL can now be translated to a multiple-language Win32 EXE/DLL. This option is also available via the RC-WinTrans Command Line Tool as a new command line command.
Now you can add all the RESX files contained in a .NET project to an RC-WinTrans translation project at once. There's also a "synchronization" feature that lets you match up, or align, the files contained in each (.NET project file <> RC-WinTrans project).
A default language (an existing target language in the project) can now be specified for a target language. This means that if an item is not translated, the translation of the default language will be used in the target file. If no default language is specified the source text will be used.
The find text function has been extended to search for text in translation projects that are not open (previously it was only possible to search for text in translation projects that were open in RC-WinTrans.
A resource type editor can now simply be added as an RC-WinTrans Add-On. A template (VBA macros file) is available to create a resource type editor. Please contact if you are interested in learning more.
The menu structure data of "main" menus and "context" menus are now read from the source assembly. This is used to display a menu in WYSIWYG in the Menu view. Before the display for menus items was "flat," i.e., no menu structure was discernable.
Some menu items have been removed from the RC-WinTrans X8 Translator Edition to present a cleaner interface for users of this edition. These menu items were previously disabled since they are for commands that are unavailable in the Translator Edition.
The RC-WinTrans X8 Global Edition and the RC-WinTrans X8 Global Developer Edition have been merged into a single product ("X8 Global Edition").
Several bugs/problems have been reported and fixed since the last service release. See the release notes for details.
Some important fixes for running RC-WinTrans on Windows Vista have been implemented since the last service release. See the RC-WinTrans X8 release notes for details.
The uniform translation check function checks all the translation units in the project's (current) target language to determine whether these have been translated consistently in the (1) current project, and/or (2) a dictionary/TM and/or (3) another (open) translation project.
A new Differences tab view displays the differences between two source text and/or two translations.
A project's Text Table view now can be sorted also by the resource type and by the translation status.
The selection handling in Projects Overview tab view is improved.
Several bug fixes have been reported and eliminated since the last service release. See the RC-WinTrans X8 release notes for details.
A special toolbar and menu for working with SDL Trados translation memories has been added.
The translation of XML files is now supported through the use of a simple XSL stylesheet. One specific XSL stylesheet is required to enable the translation of a certain XML file format. Please contact with inquiries on how to obtain a stylesheet to translate your particular XML file format.
A new help system (HTML help file) providing technical assistance and examples for realizing custom solutions such as custom file converters, XML file parsers, HTML views, VBA programming and more. Customers can download the Developer Help from the customer download area at
RC-WinTrans X8 now includes a file converter to translate string definitions in C/C++ header files file extension = .h).
Search for text in all open translation projects.
Performance improvements have been implemented for the following:
Easy activation of custom file converters (VBA macros files) and XML parser files by placing the macros file and/or XML parser (XSL stylesheet) in the new "Auto-Load" directory ("...\FileConverter").
Several bug fixes have been reported and eliminated since the last service release.